Winter Speaker Series


To Bee or Not To Bee

Sunday, October 22nd, 3:00pm
Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick

featuring the Piti Theatre Company

Singer/songwriter Carrie Ferguson
Lyrics by Piti ’s Jonathan Mirin

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB) and Curtis Memorial Library are pleased to cosponsor a special live theater event featuring the Piti Theatre Company ( presenting To Bee or Not To Bee at 3pm on Sunday October 22 in the Brunswick library’s Morrill Meeting Room as part of Mid-Coast Maine Bee Week.

Photo: Piti Theatre

Farmer James has lost his bees, there’s only gruel to eat and now the townspeople (the audience) have arrived to protest, chanting “There’s no good food, we’re in a bad mood.” To Bee tells James’ comic, tragic and ultimately hopeful story – complete with puppetry, clowning, dance, live music and lots of audience participation. Piti created the show to raise awareness about the honeybee’s plight and gives children and adults tools for helping bees thrive in their communities. Piti's performance in Brunswick comes at the end of a two week series of shows including stops in Massachusetts, Belfast, and a three day in-school residency-performance at Searsmont Elementary School. They are planning a national To Bee tour this spring. Piti's first Bee Week was held in Bethel in 2012 in collaboration with the Mahoosuc Arts Council. More at

The Music:
Northampton, MA singer/songwriter Carrie Ferguson wrote the music and collaborated with Piti’s Jonathan Mirin on lyrics for the production. She plays the Piano Lady in the show. Carrie’s work with Piti has been honored by an Iguana Grant from Club Passim in Cambridge, MA.

10% For the Bees Campaign:
One of the major challenges facing honeybees (and many other species around the globe) is loss of habitat. Honeybees in many parts of the U.S. simply “don’t have enough to eat.” Local beekeeper and Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Chair Ed







Photo: Ed Friedman

Friedman notes two additional threats, radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices and climate change. “Experiments show bees fail to return to their hives when a transmitting wireless device is in the immediate vicinity” Friedman said, adding, “With the extended warmth of longer summers, hives remain active after nectar and pollen sources have gone by, forcing the bees to use valuable winter stores sooner and at a greater rate than normal. There is no longer enough bee forage, particularly late in the season.” Piti's co-Artistic Director Jonathan Mirin emphasized, "Collaborating with a local environmental group like Friends of Merrymeeting Bay and a beekeeper like Friedman is an ideal situation for a performance like this one." Piti’s 10% For the Bees Campaign also encourages audiences to let nature plant 10% of their lawn – or plant a bee garden. Organic seeds for bee gardens (donated by High Mowing Seeds and Horizon Herbs) will be distributed after the show. In addition, Ed will be available after the performance to answer any questions about bees.  There will also be a comb honey tasting!

Call Kathleen McGee, 666-3598

Watercolors by
Sarah Stapler